Saturday, December 5, 2015

Gold Research and store intercepts and on-site surveys are easy but hard to do well.

Don’t Measure Performance In A Vacuum

Retail, Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), Restaurant and other organizations of all types often conduct store intercepts or on-site surveys in which they ask their customers, their employees or the general public how well they’re doing. We believe that the value of such store intercepts or on-site surveys is limited unless they also address at least one of the following three topics:

[1] Importance.

While deploying store intercepts or on-site surveys, always remember that knowing how you’re performing on an attribute (quality, service, etc.) is more useful if you know how important that attribute is. If your performance is highest on the least important attribute(s), then priorities – and possibly resources – may need to be shifted.

[2] Expectations.

Another way of providing context for performance data when leveraging store intercepts or on-site surveys is to find out how well your audience expects you to perform. “Good” performance for a budget brand may actually reflect greater relative customer satisfaction than “very good” performance for a luxury brand.

[3] Comparisons.

An alternative to measuring expectations in store intercepts or on-site surveys is to ask how competitors perform on the same attributes. Something which appears to be a strength based on your own performance may in fact be a relative weakness if the competition is doing even better.
There are many ways to capture actionable information on these topics, and the best approach depends upon the circumstances. At Gold Research, we understand that store intercepts and on-site surveys are easy to do, but hard to do well.
Gold Research Blogs

Interested in learning more? Call us at 1-800-549-7170 or send us an email for a free 30-minute consultation on this topic.
Gold Research Inc. has extensive experience in deploying customer intercepts, in-store interviews, and mobile surveys for concept testing, marketing testing, satisfaction research, shopper insights, mystery shopping, and journey mapping or path-to-purchase research. We can also act as an extension of your research team in helping with data processing, analysis, report development, and survey programming. 

Gold Research Inc. Saves Retail Chain $26,000 through on Store Intercepts and On-Site Survey

Gold Research Inc. Saves Retail Chain $26,000 through on Store Intercepts and On-Site Survey

shopper small

The Challenge

A national retail chain with 1,000 stores nationwide annually conducts store intercepts on paper at its 100 locations to keep a pulse on their shopper experiences. Prior to working with us, they were spending 3 months to conduct store intercepts, then 1 month to compile, clean and analyze data. It would take 4 months after the store intercepts were completed, before they would see their results. The client was also concerned that data was being “massaged” during cleaning.

The Solution

We came in and implemented our real-time store intercept, and on-site survey solution, in which we put a trained surveyor in each store with a survey iPad. Our surveyors intercepted customers after they had completed their shopping experiences and administered the on-site surveys. Data collected, from each location, was available for the client to see immediately in real-time.

The Results

  • Within just 3 weeks we completed fielding for all 100 stores and submitted a detailed analysis report to the client before end of the month. So we reduced entire project time 75%, or by 3 months.
  • We also solved the data quality issue by making the store intercept data available to client in real time (as it was being entered) so that the client could immediately download the raw on-site survey data files and begin their preliminary analysis.
  • An added bonus was that our store intercept costs came in $26,000 less than what they were used to paying.
  • Above all, the client was thrilled with our on-site survey reporting which was very visual and engaging and enabled them to disseminate insights to internal stakeholders quickly.
For a live online demo please contact me.

Gold Research Blogs

Interested in learning more? Call us at 1-800-549-7170 or send us an email for a free 30-minute consultation on this topic.
Gold Research Inc. has extensive experience in deploying customer intercepts, in-store interviews, and mobile surveys for concept testing, marketing testing, satisfaction research, shopper insights, mystery shopping, and journey mapping or path-to-purchase research. We can also act as an extension of your research team in helping with data processing, analysis, report development, and survey programming.